
Sponsorship Placement (Ads)

Want to offer sponsors a logotype placement in your newsletter, README or anywhere else? You can easily with Polar.

  • Set custom image dimensions per benefit
  • Customers can self-manage uploading their logotypes in your dimensions
  • Offering light & dark mode options

No review/approval process of uploaded images.

Sponsors with this benefit can upload any image. In our newsletter, you see the image before publishing, but automated elsewhere there is always the risk of bad images being uploaded.

Create Ads Benefit

  1. Goto Products > Benefits
  2. Click + to create a new benefit
  3. Choose Ad as the Type

Create an ad benefit

You can customize the benefit description, and the image width and height of your ad space.

When you've created the benefit, go to your subscription tiers and add the benefit to the relevant tiers.

Configure ad

Subscribers to your ads tier can manage their own ad content from the Benefits page.

From there, the subscriber can upload their images (in light and dark mode! 😎), and configure the text and link.

Automate Placements

You can easily automate logotype placements in your GitHub

Using Polar

You can use the Polar GitHub Action to automate this in connection with the Ads benefit.

The action will replace the HTML comment with HTML/markdown and keep it up to date. The example below runs every hour, and automatically commits and pushes the results to the main branch. You can customize the GitHub Action to send you a Pull Request with updated content if you prefer.

The action works with both markdown content such as READMEs and other HTML content for statically generated blogs and websites.

  1. Add the following snippet to your README (or any other file) where you want the ads to be added.

    You can get the subscription_benefit_id from the subscription benefits page.

    <!-- POLAR type=ads subscription_benefit_id=YOUR_BENEFIT_ID width=100 height=100 -->
  2. Create a GitHub Action workflow with the following contents.

    Feel free to modify it to your own needs.

    name: Polarify
    # Example action of how to use the polarsource/actions/polarify action and auto-commiting the results to the repository.
    # Run after every push
        branches: ["main"]
    # Hourly
        - cron: "0 * * * *"
    # Allow to trigger manually from the GitHub Actions Web UI
    workflow_dispatch: {}
        name: "Polarify"
        timeout-minutes: 15
        runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
        # Give the default GITHUB_TOKEN write permission to commit and push the changed files back to the repository.
        contents: write
        - name: Check out code
            uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: Polarify
            uses: polarsource/actions/polarify@main
            path: ""
            POLAR_API_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.POLAR_API_TOKEN }}' }}
        - uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
            commit_message: Update polar comments
            branch: main

Using Sponsorkit

Polar is officially supported in Sponsorkit by Anthony Fu along with GitHub, Patreon and others. Making it easy to aggregate sponsorships across platforms into an automated

Sponsorship Placement Anywhere

You can also easily get active campaigns and their associated logotypes via our API to integrate anywhere.